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Optimised advertising with the power of AI

Digital efficiency and increased sales through proprietary AI technology

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Digital efficiency and increased sales through proprietary AI technology

Digital efficiency and increased sales through proprietary AI technology

Skogma, experts in forest equipment products, faced the challenge to balance daily advertising with long-term brand development. The challenge of effectively managing advertising within the allocated time was becoming increasingly limited. Through our proprietary AI technology and a successful collaboration we were able to not only streamline Skogma’s marketing efforts but also greatly enhance their sales.

Maximising results while minimising time consumed

We developed a customised solution for Skogma by integrating our proprietary AI technology with a thorough analysis of customer behaviours and trends. This way we could maximise their results while minimising time consumed. By carefully reviewing and optimising target groups, with a particular focus on remarketing, we ensured that Skogma reached the right target customers at the right time.

Thanks to this approach, Skogma increased their sales by one million in the fall of 2023 compared to the previous year, despite the economic uncertainty of the market.The success was reflected in both increased revenue, and a significantly improved return on advertising spend, with an ROAS of between 2200-3000% since the start of the project.

Efficient results opens up new opportunities

The most tangible proof of the effectiveness of the efforts is the time Skogma now saves on ad management. Previously dedicating up to 10 hours per week to this task, Skogma now only requires 5 minutes per week to review the results. This significant time-saving has created new opportunities for strategic and long-term initiatives, crucial for Skogma’s continued growth.

The success achieved with Skogma has paved the way for additional business opportunities, including new projects with both the parent group Grube and the Norwegian counterpart Norlog.

This collaboration exemplifies how, with the right tools and expertise, time-consuming challenges can evolve into sustainable benefits. Skogma’s journey is proof that even during periods of uncertainty, strategic partnerships and innovative solutions can lead to remarkable success.


Digipartner is a digital agency focused on conversion and maximizing return on customers’ advertising investments (ROI). Leveraging their proprietary AI solution, they enhance customer sales through advertising and web analysis.

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